Hilton Naples Weddings

February 10, 2010

Grooms Cakes are a lot of fun!!!!

Filed under: grooms cake — by asarlo @ 8:48 pm
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In the past the Grooms Cake was a fruitcake today because of freezers, Many society matrons missed the traditional recipe . . . and so the Groom’s Cake came into being. It remained a fruitcake until the 1970’s. Changing tastes made the fruitcake fall from favor and “evolve” into a chocolate or devil’s food cake, most often covered with chocolate icing. Over the last three decades the concept of the Groom’s Cake has continued to expand and now also includes flavors other than chocolate.

The Groom’s Cake still retains the concept that it is a gift from the bride to her groom, a special way of honoring him and including him in wedding ritual. The Groom’s Cake is a second, sometimes a simpler version of the wedding cake, with one or two layers. While the wedding cake is served to all the wedding guests, the groom’s cake is used for extra pieces that are packaged into tiny boxes with ribbons or into envelopes, for guests to take home and “dream on.” Sometimes the small packages are displayed on a table for guests to help themselves. The Groom’s Cake may also be used as a way to include children and others who could not attend the wedding, a way of allowing them to “share” in the couple’s good fortune. Incidentally, there is a superstition that holds the notion that a bride who keeps a piece of her wedding cake will have a faithful and loving husband.

Today the Groom’s Cake has become a way to honor the groom by reflecting his interests and personality. The cake can be decorated to show his hobby, favorite sport, alma mater or occupation. Brides are becoming more and more creative with the groom’s cake, having it created in any number of shapes and styles. This makes the Groom’s Cake a great place to be funny, silly and outrageous . . . a real stress-buster!

The Groom’s Cake may be presented at any one of several times during the wedding celebration. It is entirely up to the bride and groom as to when they wish to serve the cake. Some couples serve it at the rehearsal dinner, as a toast to the groom, or a special way of thanking wedding attendants and special guests. Couples can choose to have miniature versions of the Groom’s Cake to give out as a way of saying “Thank you.” Some couples serve it as alternate dessert with the wedding cake. Sometimes it is included as one of the layers in the bridal cake. Others keep it to serve as a late night dessert for the wedding party and close friends. Regardless of when the cake is served, either the groom or the groom and his family should cut and serve.

Traditionally, the bride orders the Groom’s Cake from the same baker who is providing the wedding cake. The inclusion of a groom’s cake is a way to balance the scales and to include and honor the groom who might feel neglected. A Groom’s Cake is certainly not necessary, but it adds a nice touch. Regardless of what it tastes like, its design, when it’s served and who orders it, the Groom’s Cake can be one of the most delightful parts of the wedding celebration. HAVE FUN WITH THIS IT CAN BE THE BEST STRESS RELIEVER IN ALL YOUR PLANNING OF YOUR WEDDING AND THE BIGGEST SURPRISE FOR YOUR HONEY!!!

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